How to use the law of attraction to deal with difficult people in 4 easy steps

For centuries, human beings have been dealing with circumstances and problems, be it relationships, money, and other things that have an effect on our lives. Unfortunately, almost 97% of the population faces these problems from abroad. When I say externally, they try to change their situations and how other people treat them by trying to do something outside of themselves, but without success. Can you identify in any way with what I am saying? The best example is when you see something you don’t like about a person, such as an attitude or a habit. Then you try to tell them and ask them to change. Eventually, will you notice that as you focus on your problem, they tend to get worse and more problems and headaches occur?

This problem has been a mystery to me for many decades. Just to give you an idea, I have read and listened to many self-help, religious, and even “new thoughts” books and audiobooks. Not to mention joining religious organizations and groups. I have struggled and failed most of my life. These things seem to be good, based on what the norms and culture told us. I’ve read about people getting good results with those helpful tools and groups I mentioned, but the fact is, it didn’t work for me.

You may be doing well in some areas of your life, but part of it is actually reducing your momentum, which is outrageous. And the most common problem for most people is dealing with relationships. It could be your spouse, relative, friend, neighbor, or a homeless man on the street corner. Still, your words and actions will always have a mental or emotional impact that you want to change.

Recently, I finally found a REAL solution to this problem that haunted me for so many years. And now I’m going to share this with you. First let me tell you something very important. Most of us might know this, but we have been ignoring its power. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYTHING THAT IS HAPPENING IN YOUR LIFE RIGHT NOW! Yes, you read it right. You could say “what the hell are you talking about, Paul? Are you serious? Are you implying that I made those people hurt me, when it’s clearly their fault and I haven’t done anything wrong to them?” Well my answer is a resounding YES!

I think you must have heard of the so-called “Law of Attraction”. If you haven’t, I think you can check out “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne, “The Pull Factor” by Joe Vitale or “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace Wattles. Provides you with an overview of this law. real as any other law of nature, such as the Law of Gravity, the Law of Cause and Effect, and others. The Law of Attraction is defined primarily as “the similar attracts the similar.” Whatever is happening in your mind, accompanied by a feeling, it will attract as it directly gives the command to your subconscious, which in turn manifests your thoughts to reality. Therefore, your current situation is only the result of your past thoughts and actions. Wrong. I have personally tested it. I have experienced it and that is why I am confident to share this with you. I am not going to give more details about it, if you want to know more about the law of attraction, you can simply Google it or consult the book that I mentioned above. go. But for now I will assume that you are already well informed about said law as it has been very popular recently.

Now let’s get back to the topic of this article. How did I solve my problem in dealing with difficult people? Can you really change them without telling them to? Once I have learned that we have this divine power. I immediately put it into practice. Let me share with you the basic steps that have been very effective for me. I have used the power of imagination. I learned these steps from the teachings of Neville Goddard. This is very powerful when using the law of attraction.

These are the steps:

1. Sit in a comfortable chair or lie down on your bed. Relax your mind and body and put aside any negative thoughts or worries.

2. Relax until you feel that your drowsiness makes you not want to move any part of your body. Once you are in that state, it means that your power of imagination or subconscious is already open to suggestions.

3. Start thinking about the person you want to change. Imagine them as treating you the way you want them to. Treat them with loving thoughts and words about their current half-asleep state. It doesn’t take long to imagine it. A few minutes will suffice. Once it feels as real as if you had touched her hand or heard it speak to you. Should be enough.

4. Wake up and go back to your normal routine and believe that your wish has been fulfilled. You will be surprised how powerful these steps are. Believe me.

It is important to know that change occurs internally. Once your subconscious has received it through your imagination, the universe will begin to adjust everything around you to grant your request. If you are in doubt as to whether what I am telling you is true, try those steps and be the judge.

Keep in mind that this is most powerful when you practice it before going to sleep at night. It is even more effective when you fall asleep while thinking about this loving imagination because the powerful subconscious is mainly at its peak when you are sleeping.

This process can also be applied in other areas of your life, such as finances, work, and other things.

I’d love to read about your results if these steps worked for you.