How to protect ourselves when the attorney general gets out of control: 4 tips

Although many, if not most, former attorneys general who were appointed by other presidents may have acted, with some degree of excessive loyalty, to their boss, never in recent memory have we observed anyone who has served Your boss. The president, with the apparent kind of absolute loyalty, like William Barr, has shown, for and against President Donald Trump. Even Trump’s original attorney general, Jeff Sessions, seemed to realize the limitations when it came to a certain issue. Those who hold this position of power, such as the nation’s highest attorney and head of the Justice Department, are supposed to be the people’s lawyer, and, no, the president’s attorney, and stare! We have witnessed what many believe and perceive as questionable behavior, including: his handling of the publication of the Mueller Report; apparently investigating Trump’s political opponents etc; its apparent partisan decisions; reverse policy in the case against Flynn; and, in many other cases. With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review and discuss 4 suggestions, to ensure that we do not see this type of situation in the future.

1. Strict supervision: No one should be above the law, and this should include any member of the Cabinet, etc. and, especially, the Attorney General. This nation does not need someone who seems to see their duty primarily as serving the best interests of the president, rather than the common good! To prevent this, we need to demand a system, in place, for strict supervision of all, serving in any government position! This must be especially true when it comes to GA, because if our laws allow a person to have that amount of power, it is dangerous!

2. Advocate for the people, not the president: This position is supposed to protect the laws of the nation and its citizens, and not prioritize the personal / political agenda of any individual (including the president) and / or their own interests. In the future, this should be codified in federal law!

3. Ethics requirement: Mr. Barr has already shown, on several occasions, behaviors where many could question his ethics. Many former prosecutors and legal scholars have done so and condemned these behaviors and actions. Some examples of this include: your comment and apparent summary, prior to submitting the Mueller Report; excessive encouragement, apparent misuse of military power; threatening the governors, to try to influence them, to the perspective of this administration; etc. We must have a strict ethics requirement for future holders of this position.

Four. Guided by the Constitution, not by politics / loyalty etc: Our laws, and their application, from our Department of Justice, must be guided by the Constitution, constitutional guarantees, the Bill of Rights, the laws and previous legal precedents. There must be no room for partisan politics, personal / political agenda, and / or personal interests!

Wake up America and learn what is happening and make sure we take steps to improve the system in the future! This is not normal!