How to have lucid dreams with reality tests

Lucid dreams are very normal and extremely common. Basically, it means that you are aware that you are dreaming, while you are dreaming. You realize you are in a lucid dream when you realize that the situation you are dreaming about is actually impossible. An instance of this is flying or talking to a lost loved one.

Lucid dreaming has many benefits, such as increasing problem-solving abilities by subconsciously discovering things or facing fears by doing something you normally fear. There are ways one can achieve lucid dreaming. One such example is the reality test.

Reality checks are a great way for beginners to learn how to lucid dream. The first part of the reality check is to do a reality check. This can be done with something as simple as reading a text. For example, to do this it would help if you had a book and looked at the title. Suppose the title is “View Spot Run”. Then imagine that the text actually says “101 Dalmatians.” The point of this is to see if the text changes. It has been researched that the text changes by up to ninety-five percent if you reread things at least twice. If the text changes, you are dreaming and you can continue to the next step.

Now you must imagine that your environment in which you find yourself is totally a dream. This includes all the senses of your body. Now you can imagine that the book is flying off the table, or maybe you are reading the book while flying. The last step is to imagine that you are enjoying the activity you are doing. Lucid dreaming should be fun, so you might as well enjoy it!