Free Weights Vs Machines: Which Are Better For Skinny Guys?

First, the machines are not safer, especially the Smith machine. Here’s a great quote I found on the Paul Chek forums:

People get pattern overload from using the Smith machine. The more fixed the object, the more likely it is to develop pattern overload. This is due to the fact that training on a fixed route repeatedly loads the same muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints in the same pattern, encouraging microtrauma that eventually leads to injury. If Johnny Lunchpail always uses a Smith machine for his bench presses, he ends up working the same major muscle fibers in the bench press all the time: triceps brachii, pectoralis major, long head of biceps, anterior deltoid, and serratus anterior. But you can’t change the path, the bar will always be in the same position. This commonly leads to chronic injuries over time. The weight stabilizes for you. However, the joints operate in multiple planes. The use of the Smith machine greatly decreases the activity of the stabilizer. That creates a problem when the trainee returns to free weight training. When that happens, the learner is exposed to the three-dimensional environment called real life.

Also, when you train with machines you lift more weight and appear stronger. But actually you are not. When it comes time to pull up the couch or push a car in real life, well, you might be surprised…and not in a pleasant way. Not to mention that we as skinny guys are already a bit weaker than others (it sucks, but we have to accept this fact and bust our asses to get stronger). So a second point against machines is that they don’t include the stabilizer muscles in the training and that’s why you can lift more and you’re not as strong as you could be if you trained with free weights.

So the reasons why REGLAN free weights are:

1. Stabilizer muscles trained, this means more strength, better balance in real life

2. More muscle microtrauma, this means better gains because your body is better challenged by the exercises.

3. The best exercises like squats, deadlifts, overhead presses, barbell rows, bench presses are done with free weights.

4. Allow for more variation in range of motion

But this doesn’t mean you can’t use machines at all… not necessarily. Adding leg presses to squats, lunges, and straight-leg deadlifts is good. They give your quads a good workout. But this is just an additional exercise and should in no way replace free weight exercises.

So definitely choose free weights over machines when possible. This will help you grow bigger and stronger and get that beach body faster!

