Free Internet Marketing Ebook: Quit Your Work Licensed Review

If you’re a newbie, this free internet marketing ebook will take your breath away. It’s the little voice that says “how the hell do I compete? And where do I start?” She gives you a great effective strategy for starting your online business and eventually quitting your job. So what is the strategy? I hear you say… well, you sell people by giving something away. Tony Shepherd and Sara Brown show the exact method of doing this.

The e-book is 58 pages long, but contains quality information. And it’s free! And, if you read it, you will find another free ebook! And other. And then another. But then that’s it. Then you will get 4 free e-books. They are actually showing you the live system they use as you read the book. This shows the reader the integrity of the system and the authors.

The e-book reveals a system that was also devised:

  • Generate income online in the shortest possible time
  • with minimal effort
  • Allow the user to quit their job or earn substantial income online

Reading “Licensed to Quit Your Job” feels very refreshing. First of all, the system results in satisfied customers and everything in it has been tested, which you see happen before your very eyes! And secondly you think to yourself, “you know what, this could really work, this is how I can be successful online!”

In case you’re wondering, and for the purpose of writing a review with added value, the other free internet marketing ebooks you can get are:

  • 24/7 WordPress Guru
  • Audio streaming on your website, in 20 minutes, free
  • blog your salary

Ok, where’s the catch? Well, guess what I’ll tell you. Yes, I’m only going to come out with the negatives. Are here:

  • You will need to create a simple website / get someone to do it for you
  • You will need a product to sell.
  • The eBook has limited information on setting optional boxes and autoresponders.

The first two are major hurdles that everyone has to overcome when starting out online. The authors are seasoned marketers and there is a good tuition on “license to quit your job” to help you navigate these difficulties. Even so, if you are a newbie you will still have to learn and apply a bit of technical knowledge. To get this method up and running, you don’t need as much information about autoresponders, although it would be easier if this were fully explained. However, the topic of automatic responses and how to set them up is explained in more detail in the kickstart course. The Kickstart course is an upsell that you will be shortlisted with once you have the “leave your job in 90 days” eBook.

Here’s another quick tip… once you’ve claimed the free offer, you’ll receive a $1 trial for the best-selling Kickstart course. Now while you are reading this article, I will let you in on a secret. To get the $1 trial or other special offers (if you want them!), leave the page and a special offer pop-up will appear. This was true when I received this ebook, I hope it stays that way!