Do you have a black cat?

When Halloween comes to mind, you always think of witches, pumpkins, bats, and black cats. But you know a lot about cats. You can see how much you know these creatures with the following fun facts attached.

  • The people of ancient Egypt considered cats to be sacred, they thought that they brought good luck and were a useful animal.

  • In Europe, during the intervening period, people connected them with witchcraft to the point that if a single old woman cared for some of these lost ones, she was taken to be a witch with these little ones as her associates in this.

  • In certain areas of Ireland and England, people think that if one of those cats crosses your path, it will bring you good luck.

  • Brides in central Britain are given cats to bring them good luck.

  • Upon entering a home in Scotland, they are believed to bring good fortune, forecasting a prosperous period ahead.

  • In Germany, it is believed to be a good omen when a black cat crosses your path from left to right. But it can be associated with bad luck when the cat goes from right to left in front of you.

  • For a pirate, seeing a black cat can sometimes be very confusing, and one that gets close is unfortunate. If it is moving away, it means good luck. When you approach the ship but change your mind midway to retract your steps, it is treated as a sign that the ship is about to sink and it is time for you to get off.

  • Black cats seem to be lucky for fishermen who always kept them in their homes and even on boats. Often times, people consider them too expensive to buy.

  • Single women in Japan consider cats to be lucky as they would help attract suitors.

  • In Russia, cats of all kinds are considered a symbol of good luck.

  • There are many breeds of black cats. The Cat Breeders Association directory says that there are nineteen different types of cats.

  • Their golden eyes with a high level of melanin pigment make them look amazing.

  • They can be women or men, but they are often children.

  • August 17 is the Black Cat Appreciation Day.

  • The black color is such that it blends well with any color scheme of furniture or furnishings in your home.

Additional Information

  • It is advisable not to follow a black cat that passes under a ladder, as it is believed to be unlucky.

  • If you want to bring home a black cat, it should be avoided during Halloween and it should be done before the Halloween holidays start as the animals are spooked by the noise, the costumes and the movement of the people during the festival and are better at inside.