Daycare for English Bulldogs

English Bulldogs are emotionally dependent on human companionship and physical contact. I am continually amazed at how these fifty or sixty-pound dogs will want to climb onto your lap to get as close to you as possible. If you try to deny them the comfort of proximity, they will grieve, whine, and fidget, as they seek to snuggle against your feet or hands, whatever contact they can make.

They will also try to snuggle up against other dogs, and households with more than one English Bulldog may see them sleeping on top of each other, comforting each other with the proximity.

Now imagine how such an emotionally dependent creature would feel if left alone, for hours, without any human contact. They would soon become discouraged, moody, and quite possibly violently temperamental.

English Bulldogs are one of the breeds that I highly recommend dog daycare for. Having a safe place for them to go to be with other dogs and humans while their own family is at work or away can save them from a great deal of emotional and physical stress.

Dog kennels are popping up in cities across the country. For those who don’t have the luxury of a daycare in their area, there are often individual households or pet sitters who can step in to meet the need.

A great idea for Bulldog owners would be to go to local shows and events and meet other Bulldog owners who live in their area. Make friends with them and learn each other’s work schedules. You can then schedule play dates or take care of your Bulldog during the day with some of his friends, when he doesn’t have time to be there.

Your Bulldog will be so much happier if you do!