Daily Habits of the Successful 3% Leaders

Common Denominators – Daily Habits

  1. Daily visualization and meditation of your goals – In the book; Think and Grow Rich, author Napoleon Hill states, “I know that through the principle of autosuggestion, whatever desires I have persistently in my mind will eventually seek expression through some practical means of attaining the object thereof.” A good idea to help with visualization is to write your goals on paper or a whiteboard or even cut out pictures of your goals and create a vision board. Make sure you see these goals, then close your eyes and meditate, visualize, see yourself already owning them and feeling the emotions of having them. Do this for 10 minutes at least twice a day.
  2. Income generating activities – The first things to do at the beginning of the day are the things that really make you money. You won’t stay in business long if you don’t make money. Try not to waste time scanning email or surfing the web until you first get a handle on the activities that butter your bread. You can check your email later.
  3. Commit to and embrace personal development – Leaders are not necessarily “born leaders”, they develop and are in a constant process of development. A leader of the 3% realizes the precious jewel that is in personal development and embraces it as if it were a prodigal son. In the words of business philosopher and personal development guru Jim Rohn; “Income rarely exceeds personal development.”
  4. Mastermind with other leaders – If you are going to travel to a place you have never been, the best way to get there is to have someone with you who has already been there and knows the way. Even though you may have your success roadmap laid out in front of you, you can get where you want to go more easily by brainstorming with someone who knows the bumps, potholes, and detours. Link up with someone who has already reached the level you are striving for. It just makes sense… doesn’t it?
  5. Cultivate the expectation of leadership – First of all, you must want (expect) to be a leader. If he runs away from leadership, I guarantee you he won’t come after you. Someone else will stand up. What I’m saying is you have to play this from the top. Expect to be the one called, the one who stands up with the answers, the one who knows how to present himself. Cultivate that expectation with a simple thought. A thought that triggers an action can in turn create a habit that, when practiced, becomes a lifestyle.

Conclution – The results of right thoughts when properly cultivated, just like a good seed, can produce more than a great 3% leader, if not a whole forest of them.