Coffee makers – The tools to make coffee

Would it surprise you that coffee pots have been around almost as long as coffee? It’s true. The original coffee pot can be traced back to the Turkish Ibrik, a copper vessel with a long handle and fluted tongue. This exact same design is still in use today in the Middle East. The brew produced is a very strong brew as it is not filtered. Turkish Ibrik is perfect for those who like to eat dirt.

For those who are not predisposed to eating the grounds, a wide variety of other types of coffee makers are available. These range from exotic to domestic. Here are some things to look for.

1. A drip coffee maker. These coffee makers are very cheap. They work by pouring water on top and an electric heating coil heats the water as it percolates through ground coffee and a filter into a hot pot.

2. Control of the ‘desired degree of preparation’: this function is minimal when selecting a coffee maker.

3. An automatic shutdown function. This is a very important feature as most people leave a pot on the warmer all day. This could be very dangerous as if the coffee was left on all day it could burn and catch fire. Also, most people these days are too busy to wait for the brewing process to complete, so they remove the pot before the water has finished draining. In the past, it would continue to drip, splashing onto the hot plate. The auto shutoff fixes this by stopping the flow of water when the pot is raised.

4. An illustrated display of light. This feature is great for those dark mornings when it’s hard to find the light switch.

5. Coffee makers with water filters. I don’t know about you, but some city water in most cities is unfit for human consumption. It would almost make this a number one choice. Only one side no, the water can distort the taste of the coffee. Poor water can make a terrible cup of coffee. Use the best tasting water you can find.

This is all you need to get a perfect coffee maker. Five simple elements can help you produce the perfect cup.