Cancer: Causes and Remedies (Part Four)

natural cure for cancer

Cancer healing must begin where cancer began: the pattern of the human mind. Anything that is not in your mental pattern cannot happen to you. If you have had cancer, cancer or the belief in cancer is in your mind pattern.

I hear a lot of people, mainly Christians, always talking about not claiming anything. Well, when it comes to disease, you don’t have to claim the disease because the disease has already claimed you. Just because you say you don’t claim or won’t claim a thing doesn’t mean you won’t have or suffer for the thing you profess not to claim. If you don’t claim anything (on the surface with words) but in your heart you fear it and believe in it, YOU GET IT!

You only have cancer once you believe in cancer. You can only die of cancer if you believe you can die of cancer. It is mainly mental. Why do you think doctors can tell a person that they only have six months to live and in six months the person dies of cancer? I witnessed this with my father in 1994. Dad was told it only had six months to live and he bought it. The man died in six months precisely.

Doctors know that a cancer patient who is blasted with radiation and deluged with chemotherapy will succumb to these treatments within six months and the cancer will be to blame.

Western doctors are wrong to tell scared and disloyal cancer patients/victims that they only have a certain amount of time left to live. This is wrong on behalf of doctors. You should never tell a person that they are dying or that they only have a certain amount of time to live. The body manifests what the mind believes. You cannot enjoy life knowing that you are going to die. Most people don’t even truly live life and because they never learned to truly live, they are souls afraid of dying. As Braveheart said: “All men die, but not all really live.” Most people are alive but they are not “alive”.

In the East, doctors do not tell the patient that he has a fatal disease and only has a certain amount of time left to live. However, they tell family members.

Big Money from KJLH 102.3 FM Front Page here in Los Angeles got mad at me in 2000 because I said on the radio that I would never get cancer. Big Money said that he couldn’t say that. He then brought up the fact that Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan had prostate cancer. Now, what does Minister Farrakhan having cancer have to do with Djehuty Ma’at-Ra? Farrakhan and Djehuty are two different people and our lifestyles are very different, especially our diets.

I can say that I will NEVER get cancer because I mean it! It’s not in my mental pattern. I can’t conceive this in my mind. More importantly, I know what cancer is and what causes it. Even better, I know how to prevent and remedy cancer.

So first of all, to cure cancer, you need a strong and positive mindset and a strong will to live.

Your typical degenerate diet MUST change! No more meats, dairy, grains and refined carbohydrates, refined starches, etc. Diet MUST become 100% raw food, preferably organic.

The best foods to eat to eradicate cancer are green colored foods: kale, parsley, spinach, greens, cabbage, broccoli, etc. Green foods are excellent nutrient-dense alkaline foods. The green drinks or the vegetarian cocktails that are drunk daily are exceptional. They give instant life to cells.

VEGETABLES. Almost all vegetables should and can be eaten. Green vegetables and colored vegetables are the best! Vegetables are ALIVE and full of enzymes, minerals and other valuable nutrients. Don’t cook the vegetables. Cooking KILLS! Cooked food played a role in cancer in the first place.

FRUITS can also be eaten, but avoid eating a lot of citrus and not because they are acidic, because they are not. Despite its natural acids, citrus fruits are very alkaline. Melons are the best fruits to eat for cancer healing, followed by various berries, especially those with antioxidant properties (blueberries, Goji, lycii, elderberry, etc.)

With cancer, I personally prefer eating vegetables to fruits due to the sugar content of the fruit. Cancer thrives on sugar. Although the sugar in fruit is natural, the body is often too flooded with unnatural sugars and we want to avoid confusion. So start with vegetables first, and then incorporate fruits into the healing diet. After a while, Body Intelligence begins to differentiate between natural sugar and unnatural sugar.

OXYGEN/OZONE therapy. These therapies are important in Europe, where they are also legal, unlike here in the United States. If you have an oxygen machine or ozonator and body bag/suit, oxygenate or ozonate yourself twice a day (45-60 minutes). Oxygen or ozone will penetrate your skin and saturate your blood killing cancer cells instantly. You can also take oxygen/ozone baths daily. In these baths, you leave the machine running while you’re in the tub. An oxygen/ozone bath should last between 1 and 2 hours. You can enhance this bath by adding a few pounds of sea salt (to alkalize the water) and MSM sulfur. Each glass of water must be oxygenated or ozonated in addition to being alkaline. If you don’t have an oxygen or ozone machine, you can add drops of oxygen (20-30 drops per glass) or 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide (1/8 ounce) to your water. You can also add them to your bath water if you don’t have an oxygen or ozone machine.

Oxygenated Oil (Oz-Oil) can be used as an all over body rub to help oxygenate the body. Oz-Oil is very healing!

MAGNETS are great if you have tumors. You will need powerful magnets to shrink the tumors. Magnet strength sizes from 4,600 gauss to 14,000 gauss are ideal. The higher the better! Never sleep with magnets over your eyes (avoiding brain ionization). The magnets should be applied to the tumor and left.

HERBS are very ideal for curing cancer. You will want to use blood-cleansing herbs such as echinacea (purpurea, pallida, or angustifolia), goldenseal root, chickweed, manjistha, yellow dock, cerasee, burdock root, and dandelion root. Herbs to cleanse the blood will also cleanse the lymphatic fluid.

You’ll also want to use herbs for tissue rebuilding and repair, such as comfrey root, burdock root, sarsaparilla, and chaparral.

Herbs that boost the immune system are also ideal for curing cancer. These herbs include Suma, Ginseng, Astragalus, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Pau D’Arco (LaPacho), Cat’s Claw, Yew Tips, and Codonopsis to name a few. These herbs stimulate the body’s natural defenses against cancer. They increase the activity of natural killer cells that recognize and destroy cancer cells at first sight and enhance the effectiveness of interferon (protective protein when a foreign substance/invader is lurking).

ALGAE are important to consume in healing cancer because they are very oxygenating, alkalizing and nutritious. The best seaweeds to consume are Super Blue Green, Chlorella, Spirulina, Dulse, Irish Moss and Kelp algae. The algae will eradicate the damaging effects of radiation from radiation treatment.

MUSHROOMS are very healing in cancer. You will want to use the healing and therapeutic mushrooms: Reishi, Maitake, and Shitake. Maitake is the most powerful of the healing mushrooms. These mushrooms should be taken in extract form. These mushrooms help a lot in dissolving tumor growth.

WATER or hydrotherapy can be used in the cancer cure regimen. The best water to drink for healing purposes is alkaline water followed by distilled water. You will want to add clear quartz crystal to this water as this will greatly transform the water and make it very healing. Crystal clear water will eradicate the damaging effects of radiation, guaranteed! Adding liquid chlorophyll also increases the healing ability of this water.

CHRISTOTHERAPY is undoubtedly the most important aspect of healing cancer. Crystals work at the energy level where cancer begins. Crystals can cause cancer frequencies to shift and therefore quickly begin the core healing aspect.

COLON CLEANSING is essential in curing cancer. It is very true that all disease, illness and even death begin in the colon. However, healing also begins in the colon. Colonics and enemas are essential in curing cancer, especially colon and rectal cancers. Colon cleansing herbs include Cascara Sagrada, Senna, Buckthorn, Aloe Vera resin, Rhubarb, Bilwa, Bibitaki, Jalap Root, and Glucommanan to name a few. Bentonite clay (liquid form) helps remove heavy metal toxins from the colon, as well as mucoid plaque. Drinking Aloe Vera juice is very soothing and healing for the colon. Aloe vera juice is very alkalizing.

VITAMIN B-17 (Laetrile). Leatrile is banned here in the US because it is effective in curing cancer and therefore poses a threat to the US cancer monopoly and medical cartel (FDA). However, one of the The greatest sources of natural vitamin B-17 is wheatgrass, so drink plenty of wheatgrass (while you can).

MEXICO CANCER CLINICS are excellent alternative medical facilities in which to seek treatment and cure for cancer. However, what you need to know is that these clinics will not just accept any cancer patient. If the cancer patient is too weak to digest and swallow food or to walk, these clinics will not accept the person, so it is better to visit one of these clinics as soon as possible. These clinics provide natural biological medical services that are non-toxic and non-invasive, including detoxification, hyperthermia, biooxidative therapy, chelation therapy, major and minor hemotherapy, IV, IM, hydrogen peroxide IV drip, and colon therapy.

Here is a list of some of the Tijuana (Mexico) cancer clinics:

“Advanced Center for Integrated Medicine”, Allen W. Lloyd Building Institute, Avenida Pasio Tijuana # 406-201, 2nd Floor at the International Border, Tijuana, Mexico 22320 [Mailing; P.O. Box 926, Bonita, California 91908] Phone: (800) 337-1917 Fax: 011-52-66-824920

“American Biologics”, Azucena #15 La Mesa, TJBC, Mexico [Mailing: Chula Vista, California 91911] Phone: (800) 227-4458 (619) 429-8200 Fax: 011-52-66-816435

“American Metabolic Institute”, 420 Grandos FRACC La Mesa, Tijuana, BC Mexico [Mailing: 555 Saturn Boulevard Building B, M/S432, San Diego, California 92154] Phone: (800) 388-1083 (619) 267-1107 Fax: (619) 267-1109

“Bio-Medical Center”, 615 General Ferreira 9 Colonia Juárez) Tijuana, BC Mexico [Mailing: P.O. Box 727 Tijuana, B.C. Mexico] Telephone: 011-52-84-9011

For a complete listing of all cancer clinics in Tijuana, Mexico, contact Promotion Publishing, 3368 F Governor Dr. Suite 144, San Diego, California 92122; Phone: (800) 231-1776

And lastly, stop saying and believing that everyone has a cancer cell in their body and that you can feed it or fight it. Eliminate that notion. Get it out of your mental pattern.

Remember, with God ALL things are possible, even healing cancer.

The power to heal lies within (oneself) – Djehuty Ma’at-Ra

Peace, Love, Life and Light be for all!