Best Belly Fat Loss Supplement – Fat Loss Tricks For Six Pack Abs & Fast Fat Loss

I don’t want to bore you to death with scientific gibberish, I just want to give you the quick truth. That’s what I do. You see, lose belly fat and build rock hard six pack abs it’s not that hard…it takes effort, but it’s definitely not as hard as people think it is.

There is no miracle potion, no quick weight loss pill, no ab belt or roller that will do it for you. There is no groundbreaking “research” that the so-called gurus are hiding from you. Seriously, the most important part of the process is arming yourself with the RIGHT knowledge. If you know how your body works… why it stores belly fat… what actually causes it to burn… life will be easier for you.

Now, I know that there are a lot of so-called experts and self-proclaimed gurus out there who are confusing the hell out of you. I know a lot of people tell you different things. It can be frustrating as hell. Trust me… I’ve been there. But if you follow these simple rules and stick them in your brain, things will be very different.

Anyway, let’s go straight to the tips.

Look at this:

– Increased protein intake triggers the hormone glucagon.

– This, in turn, prevents your insulin levels from spiking.

– Which simply means it minimizes the chance of storing blood sugar as fat.

What do you say now? Well, that’s the extent of today’s scientific talk. Here is the French version:

If you’re an elite athlete or just hit the gym once a week, I’m sure you’ve probably felt tired and sore at least a few times after your workout. If you really broke it, you may even have felt tired and sore for several DAYS after your workout. No, you weren’t dying and you didn’t “overdo it”, you probably just neglected a key aspect of your exercise nutrition plan.

Listen carefully. If you only remember ONE THING you’ll read here today, remember this: Your post-workout meal is probably THE MOST important meal of the day.

Here’s why: After finishing a hard workout, your body enters a catabolic state in which muscle glycogen is depleted and high levels of cortisol begin to rapidly break down muscle tissue.

For the serious weightlifter, the catabolic state scenario is an absolute nightmare, but the good news is that you can easily promote an anabolic state and reverse this unwanted post-workout catabolic state simply by consuming a whey protein shake or shake. fast digesting milk right after your workout is complete. (I’ll list 3 of my favorite post-workout shake recipes below)

Research has shown that proper post-workout nutritional supplementation is critical for recovery from intense weight training and endurance exercise, and recent evidence points to a specific combination of carbohydrates and protein as the most effective for restoring muscle glycogen (the fuel you use while exercising), repairing muscle damage, preventing muscle breakdown and promoting muscle growth.

All of these factors are important to your timely return to your training plan. So you don’t have to worry about spending hours in the ice bath or taking days off work because you can’t get out of bed. You will also be able to burn fat faster.

The importance of post-workout nutrition and muscle glycogen

The nutrients you take in immediately after your workout can have a significant impact on how well you recover. When you exercise intensely (as you should every workout), one of the fuel sources you use is glycogen, which is the carbohydrate stores inside your muscle. This fuel source must be quickly replenished to allow you to return to training hard soon after your initial training session.

Now… post-workout carbs are very important, but protein is also important because it works synergistically with carbs to promote rapid muscle glycogen replenishment without having to ingest excessive amounts of carbs at the same time.

So what is the ideal post-workout carb/protein ratio?

The most effective amount of carbohydrate and protein for endurance and endurance exercise ranges from 1.0 to 1.5 g carbohydrate/kg body weight and 0.4 to 0.6 g protein/kg body weight.

TIPS: Weightlifting athletes do not need as many post-workout carbohydrates as endurance athletes because endurance exercise depletes more carbohydrate from muscle than endurance exercise.

Pre-workout nutrition and muscle damage

Intense exercise can cause muscle damage. This muscle damage is the result of catabolic hormones released in response to exercise and mechanical stress on muscle fibers. If you fail to optimize your nutrition during exercise, your muscles will remain in a constant state of breakdown for hours on end. Also, when muscle fibers are damaged, muscle glycogen replenishment is drastically reduced.

The good news is that you can help reduce muscle damage and soreness simply by consuming a combination of carbohydrates and protein before and after you exercise. This exclusive pre-workout combo helps prevent some of the muscle damage that occurs during exercise and in the hours afterward. Yes, it is that simple.

Optimal protein synthesis

Most of us want to build more lean muscle mass and reduce body fat. That’s obvious, right? However, if you want this to happen, you’ll need to optimize this response to exercise by giving your body a good balance of protein and carbohydrates before and after training.

I highly recommend taking amino acids, especially branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), right before you exercise and right after you exercise. Research has shown that this pre-post supplementation method is more effective than taking BCAAs alone after a workout. About 5 to 6 grams of essential amino acids from whey protein have been shown to be the most ideal, which can be achieved with a serving size of about 20 to 30 grams of whey protein.

Carbohydrates are also beneficial and providing them in a 2:1 ratio with protein it has been shown to be better at optimizing your recovery from exercise and stimulating protein synthesis while preventing protein breakdown after exercise.

I like to keep my post-workout meal calories in the 400-500 calorie range, depending on what I’m training for. Female lifters (120-140lbs) should only need about 250-300 calories or so. I also don’t eat fat with my post-workout meal because fat slows nutrient absorption, which is the last thing you want to happen post-workout, so avoid fat in your post-workout meal.

Keep in mind that you don’t need to go out and spend a ton of cash on “specially formulated” post-workout drinks and potions to recover from your workout. Yeah, I know the ads look really cool and all, and they lure you in with the clever sales copy and crazy “research studies” and “testimonials,” but you don’t need anything they’re selling. Plus, most of these mixes contain low-quality ingredients that could do you more harm than good. You can make your own post-workout shake at home using natural ingredients! That’s what I do at least.

I have two brands of protein in my kitchen. My preferred brand is Prograde Protein and my backup protein powder is Pro Complex Whey from Optimum Nutrition.

Prograde protein may not be the best known brand, but it is by far the most legitimate of all the brands out there. It contains the perfect ratio of carbohydrates and protein, plus essential amino acids and additional vitamins and minerals. As a bonus, things are sweetened with Stevia and not a potentially harmful artificial sweetener. Prograde is definitely a brand I trust with my abs AND my health.

These are some of my favorite post-workout shake mixes. If you ever feel inspired, you might want to try making one yourself. If you decide to make one, let me know what you think.

halle berry (my favorite)

30g whey protein

1/2 cup Greek yogurt (plain, low-fat)

1/2 cup sliced ​​strawberries

1/2 cup sliced ​​raspberries

1 cup of ice cubes

3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract (pure syrup, unflavored)

Healthy Bahamian Mom

30g whey protein

1/2 cup pineapple chunks

3/4 cup sliced ​​mango

1 slice of orange

1 slice of lemon

1 teaspoon lime juice

1 cup of ice cubes

the swolio

30g whey protein

1 banana

1 cup of mixed berries

8 oz vanilla almond milk

1 slice of papaya

1 date

pinch of cinnamon

2 cups of ice cubes

***When making these smoothies, put all ingredients in a blender and blend on high speed until the mixture looks like a smoothie. Drink immediately. Keep in mind that if you use frozen fruit instead of fresh fruit, you won’t need as much ice, so you can reduce 1 cup of ice to 3/4 cup or so.

TIPS: If you’re “keeping it light” and want to avoid fruit and post-workout calories, just eat some plain whey protein in water and a small sweet potato instead. Just remember this: Yes, these shakes do contain fruit, and fruit is on many people’s “don’t eat” list if you’re trying to lose fat, but I totally recommend eating fruit because consuming natural carbohydrates like fruit post-workout helps promote fat loss. an anabolic effect. effect that can actually HELP your muscles repair themselves faster.

The faster your muscles repair themselves, the faster you can increase your metabolism. You know what that means, right? Accelerated fat loss!

Here is the most important. If you eat more protein, you burst the sagging of the belly. Sure, there’s more to it than that, but that’s the main point. So as long as you understand the basics, you can lose control and then prevent the sagging belly from coming back.

Just remember, when you only eat carbohydrates, your insulin levels skyrocket. And all that blood sugar (that’s what carbs turn into after you’ve eaten them) that your body doesn’t need MUST go somewhere. Yes, it goes to your belly; or your butt; or your hips; or your thighs… and who wants thunder thighs???

So be sure to optimize recovery from your training and stimulate protein synthesis with a 2:1 ratio of carbohydrates to protein. This will help prevent you from collapsing after exercise and will also help you burn more belly fat.

The best part is that it is not very difficult to consume more protein. In fact, it is quite easy. A high-quality protein powder will do the trick.

See you at the beach.

James Thompson