Article Marketing Secrets: Find Out How To Get Regular And Consistent Traffic With Your Articles

Do you know how to create a regular, consistent and endless flow of traffic with your articles? Read on to find out exactly how to achieve this.

regular trafficIt is about obtaining a constant flow over time. I know that articles that I had approved last week, two weeks ago, three weeks ago, five weeks ago are still bringing me traffic and will forever.

We’ll talk about that in long-term traffic. But think about this. Whatever pace you’re at – an article a month, an article a week, an article a day – if you’re writing an article a day and give yourself a couple of days off a week, you know that every time you does that behind you is an article that is working for you while you are posting other articles.

It just keeps going up and keeps going up.

Once that item is released, it will always be there working for you.

The other interesting thing about this is that you wrote 10 articles and they’re working for you, and in one of my teleseminars you learn something about titles or descriptions or the resource box.

“Oh wow, I didn’t do that in that article. God, I wish I had known.”

You can go back and edit those articles. They change in the article directory. If someone took that article and used it somewhere else, you can’t do anything about it, but you can change your articles on EzineArticles as you learn.

Bottom line? – If you want a steady and regular stream of traffic, write and submit your articles regularly and consistently.