Anger Held Inside the Body Gave Me Arthritis: My Healing Journey Part 1

The articles for this entire year will be a series of healing articles about my arthritic hip healing process and then healing after arthroscopic hip surgery. I have been dealing with hip pain due to arthritis for the last few years. When I got it checked out, my orthopedist told me that even though I am too young now, at some point I will need a new hip due to degenerative arthritis. This less than wonderful news was very upsetting to me, but now it was time to step up my Reiki healing. Then, it returned to normal. So back to my workouts as there is really nothing to do yet except deal with occasional arthritis pain and continue with Reiki to help.

During one of my workouts last April, I realized something was terribly wrong. After training and the next day, I didn’t have the usual pain feeling like I had a great workout. It was a continuous sharp pain that we discovered shortly after through an MRI arthrography, which now had a labral tear. My God, that pain was terrible and continued to be terrible for the rest of the year, even with Reiki, physical therapy, and prolotherapy injections to promote natural healing! When I felt enough was enough, my doctor and I decided that I should have arthroscopic surgery to repair the tear in my labrum and whatever else was found there. This surgery was performed on January 30, 2020.

The following series of articles was written as a summary of the healing that has taken place over the course of the last year and a half to where I am now after surgery, and all the different modalities that I have used during the process. It is my hope that through my writing, people who read my articles will see that there is no healing modality that is one and done. True healing takes place throughout your life, and sometimes, even when you think you’ve overcome a particularly difficult life experience, chances are you haven’t released as much of that problem as you think. So, over the next few months, I will be sharing with you the transformational healing process that occurred while working on arthritis in my hip, along with the different healing modalities I used and how they helped me through a very difficult and painful period. time in my life. Hopefully, traveling through my personal healing journey, everyone will seek the help they may need as they learn that we are all unique. And so is our process, which is why I tell all my clients to be patient, as healing anything is definitely a process.

I have been practicing Reiki now for over 10 years and am now a Reiki Master and Medical Reiki Master. My Reiki teachings are very personal to me in that I have learned the hard way that long-held emotional pain does, in fact, wreak havoc on your physical body. The test for me was cancer twice! Sadly it took me a while to digest it, but let it settle! The emotional pain contained within me created cancer in my body TWICE!

Some time ago I wrote an article about how internalized emotions turn into physical pain. What I didn’t know at the time is that pain that sometimes comes in the form of arthritis, a deterioration in your bones, and could be due to holding on to anger. I learned this from a beautiful lightworker, Rita V Klyauzova who, through the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. She was able to show me exactly what was being held inside of me. Through Rita’s way of healing, she helped me learn that I still needed to forgive those past emotional pains that I was apparently holding on to so tightly.

My fear was that if I didn’t do the work of releasing all my emotional material before surgery, the arthritis problem could continue with a vengeance or even worse in the same area. So of course now I need to do some research and this is what I found:

Release Fear and Anger to Heal Arthritis, July 9, 2019 by Christiane Northrup, MD (1)

“Pain of any kind has emotional roots. In fact, studies show that emotional factors are crucial to the development of RA. Emotions associated with arthritis are often unexpressed anger, resentment, aggression, criticism (of oneself and others), lack of support, and fear. Experts suggest that one of the reasons women get RA four times more often than men is that they are taught from childhood not to express anger.” (one)

I found another article written by Jeanette Raymond, PhD on September 9, 2012 called Unexpressed Anger and Stress Predispose Women to Rheumatoid Arthritis. (2)

“A report in the Journal of Chronic Disease from 1964 reviewed research on the amount of personality of those with physician-diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis and found that patients tend to be self-sacrificing, masochistic, conformist, self-conscious, timid, inhibited, perfectionist. , and interested in sports and games”. (two)

I’ve done so much inner work throughout my life to get well, and after two bouts with cancer, I really didn’t think I was still holding on to anything. I thought I had released all, if not most, of the emotional pain from my past. Oh boy was I wrong…residual emotional pain from my past that was still held within me helped generative arthritis and then due to the compromised hip a labral tear was very easy to pull off. I worked with Reiki every night while lying in bed on my hip, but walking and living life every day didn’t help it heal at all, as the arthritis helped it continue to deteriorate and fray the labrum.

Even after practicing Reiki for 10 years, helping others, and doing my own inner work, it seems like I still have a healing journey ahead of me. The conclusion I would like to share here is that forgiveness heals all. So forgiveness is where my journey begins.

If you find yourself in a place where your life is no longer working for you, find a healer who resonates with you and let them help you find a way to change the dance in your life. And if you are on your own healing journey, I will remind you that healing is complicated. And it takes time, so be patient with yourself. It’s not my strong point, I admit, but that’s why I share my story.

I have been fortunate to meet many different types of healers who have helped me on my journey along the way. I was lucky to have found Rita, and a client of mine brought her to me. Words cannot even begin to thank any of them enough for the loving light and knowledge they brought me when our paths crossed. It just shows you that everything in life is in divine timing. It’s my time to free up some stuff and fix this hip.

My mission is to help people find the light, whether through healing sessions that I can offer, sharing the work of other healers, or through my own personal healing experiences that I have shared. If I can help just one person with any of these things, then I’m glad I did. So keep your eyes peeled for the next part of my healing journey:

The work of the shadow releases the pain, bringing the light! Let’s dive in!

And please share this article with anyone you think might need to hear some of this!

Another great read with useful information if you have the time:

Emotions such as anger and sadness can cause pain in addition to being the result of Marjorie S. Miller, Pennsylvania State University September 10, 2018