Angel and Chakra Energy Centers – Spiritually Guided Life Force Energy Centers

The word Chakra, is Sanskrit originating from an ancient language, which means wheel or vortex. The word Chakra refers to all energy centers or energy vortices throughout your auric energy field, all energy bodies, and your physical body.

The chakras or energy centers regulate the flow of energy through your entire being. Each Chakra flows into one another mixing with the energies of the Chakras both above and below. The Heart Chakra, for example, flows up to your Throat Chakra allowing you to speak with emotion. Energy from the Heart Chakra also flows downward, mingling with your Solar Plexus Chakra, allowing you to manifest with emotion, compassion, and focused intent.

The chakras can be underestimated or overstimulated, showing a variety of physical, mental or emotional manifestations.

The chakras interact with our physical and etheric or auric energy bodies. Each Chakra has physical and Metaphysical or Spiritual associations. There are eleven major Chakras, twenty one minor Chakras and many minor Chakras.

The chakras are aligned vertically from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. We ascend towards the Divine by gradually mastering the physical world. The Solar Plexus (located in the stomach area) is the energy center most related to creativity and emotions. It is believed to be where heaven and earth meet.

Visualize each Chakra or vortex of energy as a spinning wheel or fan, spinning clockwise. Start with your Crown Chakra, moving down to your Root Chakra. Or if you prefer, start with your Root Chakra, working your way up to your Crown Chakra. Using your inner vision, scan each Chakra for areas of darkness; see each Chakra shine in harmony and in perfect balance. Another way to cleanse and balance your Chakras is to ask your Angels to help you.

Archangel Chamuel, whose name means “He who seeks God”, will help you seek inner peace and self-love through your Root or Base Chakra located at the base of your spine. The life lessons for the Root Chakra are related to the material world, survival, the fight for flight.

Archangel Ariel, whose name means “Lion of God”, will assist you in relationships with others and with yourself. The harmony of the relationship begins with the Self first through his Sacral Chakra located just below his navel. The life lessons for the Sacral Chakra are related to sexuality, work and physical desire.

Archangel Uriel, whose name means “Fire of God” or “Light of God” will assist you with self-empowerment, self-control, touch and foresight through your Solar Plexus located just above your navel, the center of your universe. physical, the beginning of life as we know it. The life lessons for the Solar Plexus Chakra are related to ego, personality, self-esteem and regaining its own power to manage itself in a positive way.

Archangel Jophiel, whose name means “The Beauty of God”, will help you heal emotional wounds, see past appearances, see beauty and unconditional love through your heart chakra located in the center of your chest. The life lessons for the Heart Chakra are related to love, forgiveness, compassion and healing.

Archangel Zadkiel, whose name means “Justice of God”, will help you listen, hear and be heard with integrity, learning to discern truth from lies through your Ear Chakras. The life lessons for the Ear Chakras are related to listening, being heard, being willing to listen with compassion and empathy.

Archangel Gabriel, whose name means “Messenger of God’s Word” or “God is my strength,” will help you speak your truth with clarity, loving-kindness, and integrity through your throat chakra. The life lessons for the Throat Chakra are related to willpower, self-expression, telling the truth. It is not always about telling your allowed truth, it is essential to tell your truth to yourself, accepting who you are.

Archangel Raphael, whose name means “God Heals”, will help you heal the past, the present, in all directions of time and space through your Third Eye Chakra, allowing you to see your inner essence of Divinity. His Third Eye Chakra is located just above his eyebrows in the center of his forehead. The life lessons for the Third Eye Chakra are related to the mind, intuition, insight and wisdom.

Archangel Taharial, whose name means “Purity of God”, will help you open your Crown Chakra, expanding your Spiritual connection to the Divine Source of All That Is. Your Crown Chakra is located just above your head. The life lessons for the Crown Chakra are related to spirituality, oneness with the Divine, acceptance of Divine Guidance.

Eastern religions teach that the human body contains seven main energy centers. Each of these energy centers contains a universal spiritual life lesson for us to learn as we evolve into higher consciousness. According to energy medicine, our bodies contain our stories: every chapter, line, and verse of every event and relationship in our lives. As our lives unfold, our biological health becomes a living biographical statement that conveys our strengths, weaknesses, hopes, and fears. Many of these factors affect our energies. Diseases or illnesses can develop as a consequence of behavior patterns and attitudes that we do not realize are biologically toxic. We all have negative feelings, but not all negativity produces discomfort. Dominant negative emotions create discomfort when we recognize that negativity is toxic, allowing negative emotions to thrive in our awareness. For example, you may know that you need to forgive someone, but decide that staying angry gives you more power. Remaining obsessively angry makes you more likely to develop an illness because the energetic consequence of a negative obsession is helplessness. Energy is power. It is possible to transmit energy to the past by dwelling on painful events, draining the power of your current body and can lead to illness.

Humanity is hungry for spirituality. Spirituality is much more than a psychological or emotional need. Spirituality is an inherent biological need. Our spirits, our energy and our personal power are intertwined with spiritually guided life force energy. Your Chakras or energy centers are part of your internal physical and spiritual guidance system and are part of a universal external guidance system for your spiritual behavior and for creating your health. Your spiritual task in this life is to become aware and learn to balance the energies of body and soul, of thought and action, as well as your physical body and your mental power.