8 mistakes to avoid when launching an angel investor

The secret to getting an angel investor to agree to launch your business comes down to understanding where others before you have failed. While their attempts may have been unsuccessful, it doesn’t mean yours have to be. Learning from your mistakes can give you the edge you need to be successful and attract the attention of a private investor to take your business to the next level. These are the top 10 mistakes entrepreneurs make when it comes to pitching their great idea to an investor.

1. Present an investor who is not interested

Of course, you may want a particular investor to start your business, but applying for a funder without permission can get your name blacklisted from the investor circle. Stick with investors who have shown interest in your market and your company for the best chance of reaching the peak of the harvest.

Recognizing which private investors belong to your company before launching them can increase your chances of landing a deal and avoid a time-consuming dance with an investor who has no interest in doing business with you.

2. Excessive business plans

Having a complete business plan to provide the angel funder is a smart business move. Making sure it’s legible and easy to take in quickly will set you apart from the crowd. Too often, entrepreneurs become obsessed with their idea and can overload a private investor with too many details that to them are just nuances. This can cause an investor to lose interest quickly, as they do not have the time or patience to read the entire proposal.

Instead, try to include a short but detailed executive summary and PowerPoint presentation that they can flip through. They will be sure to ask you questions if they need additional details to make a decision. Better to give them your highlights in a concise and informative way than to bore them with your overabundance of information.

3. Not showing the market opportunity

During your presentation, it is your opportunity to show your angel investor the potential of the opportunity at hand. You want them to undertake the journey with you and you should seize the moment. Show them the possibility of the market and let them see the blossoming potential before them.

Assuming that your private investor is already well versed in the market may be a mistake you may regret. You should use your presentation as an opportunity to inform and educate about what you know and what excites you wholeheartedly.

4. Ignore your competition

Entering a playing field where you choose to ignore the competition may not be the best move, as your initial investor is well aware that they have competition. They want to know who they are and how dangerous they are to the start-up of their business.

Do your homework with your competitors and be prepared to tell your business angel what separates your startup company from your established company and how you plan to outperform them. If you go with a plan of attack and recognize your competitors, you will fare better and will also show your industry expertise.

5. Not showing how the product works

Presenting a proposal to an angel investor can make even the most unsuspecting entrepreneurs nervous. This may explain why many startups fail to show how their product works. They forget the whole demo aspect of the launch and the real part of the show that helps seal the deal.

Let your business angel know what problem your product or service solves. Be sure to explain how it works. Give them samples and make sure before you send your speech that they understand it as intimately as you do.

6. Put the team aside

If you bring your team to support you in your angel investor speech, don’t forget to include them in the presentation. They are a valuable part of your business and you need to show your skills and talents. Let them help introduce the playing field and use their areas of expertise to their advantage.

Angel investors like to see all the people who will help a new business thrive and a good team behind you can help you move to the next phase of the financing process.

7. Unrealistic appraisals

Entering investment ground with a sky-high valuation may not be the best strategy for earning the interest of your initial funder. They will be immediately turned off by the impractical number and will show opposition to the rest of your tone. Be frank in your assessment and be prepared to back up the number you have provided.

If you think your appraisal is dead, go ahead and trust your decision. Show your investor your value and provide evidence to support your valuation during your presentation.

8. If you don’t investigate, your investor

One of the most important things you can do as a startup looking to attract an investor is to do your homework before meeting. You need to know your business interests, as well as your accomplishments, and be able to recite your story back and forth. The more you know about them the better, as you can be sure that they have done their homework for you.

Avoiding the mistakes fellow entrepreneurs have made can help give you that needed boost during your angel investor speech, and avoid pitfalls that have become others. Use these mistakes to your advantage to really impress your angel investor and close the deal you’ve been envisioning to start your business.