7 Reasons What Causes a Young Child to Cry

There is no doubt that the constant crying of a young child can be annoying at times. There can be various reasons for this and sometimes it should be taken with caution. Crying in young children is normal in most cases, but can be triggered by emotions, the environment, or medications.

Most parents can’t be sure why their toddlers cry, but some of the reasons may be normal and related to their stage of development. However, it is best to thoroughly investigate persistent crying at short intervals and, when necessary, seek the advice of your doctor.

Here are 6 reasons why toddlers cry.


Most of the time, toddlers cry for your attention, but it’s impossible when you have chores to do. Keeping him close to you in a high chair while you go about your chores along with constant communication will decrease his crying. If there is a newborn sibling, young children may feel insecure and threatened by the less attention given to them. The crying of young children at this stage can be intensified and sometimes intolerable. If so, it is advisable that you consider a babysitter.


If they can’t fit a square into a circle or just can’t put on a shoe, young children cry to express their frustrations. Parents should help by showing why things can’t be done or how things are done to defuse their young children’s frustration. Young children’s inability to express their thoughts and emotions may also cause crying. It would help them if you suggest a word or two to make their communication with you easier.

hunger pangs

Young children are prone to hunger pangs. Sometimes they couldn’t find the words for it, hence the crying. It’s best to keep healthy snacks like fresh fruit or nutritious cereal bars on hand to relieve hunger between meals. Just be aware of choking hazards and allergies.


Young children’s crying can sometimes be their way of telling you to leave them alone. For example, if your toddler is engrossed in playing with his toys incorrectly and you try to correct him, he will show a strong insistence on independence by crying. Some things are better left natural, but without compromising your safety.


Young children who cry persistently in short intervals should be taken with caution. Since they still have a speech impediment, parents should make the effort to investigate. Asking if and where it hurts while physically examining you could prevent more serious damage.


Lack of rest and sleep can make young children cranky. Sleep is vital to your mental and physical growth. Parents should keep toddlers’ bedding and room environment suitable and comfortable, as this could greatly affect their sleep.

Headaches and migraines

If your child cries frequently and indicates a headache, take it seriously. Check for bumps and bruises. Some medications for young children can induce migraines and headaches. Crying and vomiting can be an early sign of sinusitis caused by the narrowing and obstruction of the nasal passage. It is best to seek the advice of your doctor..

The crying of young children is an integral part of the challenges of parenting. Parents would always overcome these challenges with care and positive parenting.

Happy fatherhood.