Yoga: the complete training of the mind, body and soul

The benefits of yoga

Yoga is a wonderful form of exercise and the oldest form of exercise because it has been around for many thousands of years. When people think of yoga, they think of people who stand in strange positions, with their ankles wrapped around their heads and sitting staring at the candles.

Yoga combines movement, posture, balance and meditation: it is a complete training for the mind, body and soul and can be practiced by anyone, regardless of mobility.

It energizes and strengthens and some of the benefits include: improving your strength, posture, balance and flexibility; improve your mental health; develop your personal and social values ​​as you become more self-aware; achieve complete relaxation and tranquility; helping with your sex life; and weight reduction. It also helps prevent aging: It is said that we can stop and even prevent the aging process if we are fully focused and that is what yoga does: it helps you maintain balance.

Although you are not affiliated with any religion, it will guide you to your true self; to realize how this life works and how you fit into this universe.

The healing benefits of yoga are so strong that you will feel better at the end of each session. It is known for controlling your bodily functions: blood pressure, body temperature, metabolism, heart rate, etc. It is also known to cure a multitude of ailments including: indigestion, constipation, asthma, insomnia, hypertension, heart disorders, cancer, bronchitis, menstrual problems, sinus problems, and obesity. Because you are also working on the mind and soul, you are basically exercising your entire being.

There are approximately 84 yoga poses, but the beginner will start with the simpler ones and gradually move on to the more difficult ones. We are all different and have different physical abilities, so do what is comfortable for you. Less is more, and as you become more flexible, you can get into the difficult poses.

Yoga can also be beneficial for those with disabilities or chronic illnesses, as each pose can be adapted to suit the individual student. There are also yoga poses for those in a wheelchair, however there are points to remember if you are disabled: check with your doctor before starting this or any other type of fitness program, always have someone else present and stretch. only to the point where you feel mild tension and never pain. However, regardless of their physical ability, a yoga teacher will always tell students not to push themselves beyond their limits.

Laughter Yoga

Laughter Yoga is a relatively new concept that was developed in the 1990s. It combines yoga breathing techniques with … you got it, laughter. I tried one of these sessions recently and it was hilarious. It works on the premise that your body cannot differentiate between fake and real laughter, therefore, even when it is a forced laugh, your mind and body experience the same benefits that they would get from genuine laughter, that is, strengthens the immune system, increases your energy, reduces pain. and protects you from the harmful effects of stress.

If you haven’t tried yoga yet, it’s definitely worth looking into. Check your local neighborhood: gyms, yoga centers, or even your local community center. Try one or both of these forms of yoga and see which one you prefer – you may even want to do both! Either one will make you feel much lighter, healthier, and happier.

If you are financially capable, you may also consider going on a yoga retreat. Retreats are available for beginners to experienced students. Some of them also offer teacher training classes. These retreats are becoming increasingly popular and available in quiet settings, throughout the United States, and in many exotic locations abroad. If you are considering a retreat, you may want to speak to a local teacher and ask if there are any they would recommend.