Why is my ex giving me mixed signals? Here are 7 clear ways to know why they are doing this.

Your ex is sending you mixed signals because he’s confused about his own feelings towards you, but he’s driving you crazy because you just don’t know how to react. If you hope to get your ex back, this makes your job even more difficult. Read on to understand what these signs mean.

stay calm
Don’t stress about the situation, mixed signals from your ex are indications that they are still confused or scared about the commitment. Relax and believe in yourself to get through this difficult phase. Make sure your ex still cares about you and will acknowledge his feelings for you.

your ex is confused
Show their confusion and maybe in time they will work out their feelings for you. However, it does mean that they are interested in you because otherwise they would not have bothered to contact you. Show patience for them to discover their confusion on their own.

Your ex is in regular contact.
If your ex calls you regularly, it shows that he has feelings for you and that he cares about you. His mind may say that the relationship is over, but deep in his heart they still feel the love that is not easy to ignore. He can be pretty sure that they will eventually come back to you once they understand themselves.

They become unavailable for a while.
When you’re warming up to their calls, you find them all withdrawn together. He is angry and frustrated with this uncertain behavior, but he acknowledges that he needs time to clear his head.

be his friend
For now, don’t think of your ex as more than a friend. Keep doing what you’re busy with and if you’re thinking of dating someone else, talk to your ex and let him know he’s not being direct. Tell them that you are confused about where this friendship is headed.

things could work
This means that things are quite open and there is a chance that things will work out. It gives you a chance to discuss and offer new ideas that can improve the relationship. When things are indecisive, there is always a chance for them to improve.

Give your ex the same treatment
You can do what your ex has been doing and give them the same treatment. Chances are your ex will take the hint and open up to how he really feels about you.