The Need for a Water Filtration System – Who Needs It Anyway?

Every day, people need water to survive. Water is everything. Nurture your thirst. Helps maintain personal hygiene. Makes cleaning and cooking possible. Basically, it is a necessity and you cannot live without it. It is just as important to ventilate.

Unfortunately, not all water is safe to use. In some parts of the countries, water must be purified to make it drinkable. Some are even contaminated with microorganisms that can cause various diseases.

If this happens, you may want to consider having a home filtration system. This is a type of system that removes impurities from tap water chemically or biologically.

Do you need one at home? Ask yourself the following questions:

1. Did your water test reveal a high level of lead in your water?

2. Do you have very immunosuppressed family members?

3. Is there a high level of contaminants in your water other than lead? Perhaps traces of radon, nitrates, microbial agents, and many others?

To know the answers to these questions, you basically need to know more about your own water system. You can do this by having your waters tested. Inexpensive tests may be available in your area. These services can be provided by your local county or your health department. Try to take advantage of these services to check the quality of your water.

You can also read your annual consumer confidence reports to find out the quality of the water you have. And if all the answers to these questions are yes, then you should definitely install a filtration system in your home.

Water filter options

There are many types of water filtration systems that you can use at home. Some of them are:

1. Carbon filters: this type of filter that uses a block of solidified carbon. It can also be in a form called chlorgon in which additional components are added to kill bacteria. This is ideal for filter countertops and faucets.

2. Ceramic water filters: This filtration system involves the use of a cartridge that contains silicone covers.

3. Water ionizers: this type of filtration system separates acidic water from alkali-rich water. The charged plates are used together with the ceramic filament separator to extract the acid rich and alkaline water separately.

4. Reverse osmosis: uses a thin membrane to filter the water finely. It is used for under sinks and can be used with charcoal filters.

5. Water stills: this works by boiling water. The created steam condenses to create purified water. This is good for entry point units and can be used in conjunction with carbon filters.

The water is recycled. So even if there is no indication for a leak, there is still a chance that some contaminants will end up in your water system. This means that you can never be too careful. There are many affordable water filtration systems that can help you keep your water safe for use.