Ready for a relationship? Ladies, not so fast

Relations. They are a great thing when they are right. Two people coming together and sharing a deep, loving bond that is pure, honest, genuine and nothing short of divine, which is powerful. When two people align with each other’s vision of life and come together to improve each other’s life, what a dynamic duo. So if you are single and want a relationship, I imagine that may be what you are looking for. And that kind of love can happen to you. But not if you settle. Today, several women seem to agree with accepting breadcrumbs from men. They are desperate to have a relationship or at least to have someone, so they put up with receiving mere hints of attention or affection. The main reason I think women conform is because we are programmed to do so. They started with dolls and dollhouses from a very young age, conditioning us that our role is to take care of the home and be good women with our husbands. So we grow up fantasizing about our wedding day, our knight in shining armor, and raising a family – the perfect picture of the American dream. And 30 somehow became the magical age by which this perfect dream should occur. So if you turn 30 and are single, then society leads you to believe that something is wrong with you. And then we begin to question our worth as a woman. Contrary to popular belief, the purpose of a woman on this earth is NOT simply to be a wife. It is NOT just to be a mother. Each woman was blessed with gifts and talents by God, so in addition to using those gifts, she can choose to become a wife and / or mother. You are NOT defined by a man or your marital status. Many women are getting into relationships for the wrong reasons and they continue to end in disaster. To avoid repeating the same cycles as a broken record, here are some signs that you may be entering a relationship for the wrong reasons:

In a hurry. You reach 30 (or more) and you are in a panic. You think you are old. Somehow you are convinced that if you are 35, for example, you are older. Well, that mindset is what will lead you to the wrong relationship because your intention for a relationship is just not to be too old and to have someone instead of being with the right person. You think you have to hurry because your biological clock is ticking. And while some may argue that statistics show that the older a woman is, the harder it is for her to conceive, there are also many women who deliver healthy babies over the age of 30. According to, “Many women today find themselves trying to conceive after age 35. This opportunity can be joyous and fraught with questions. Despite some challenges, many women in their thirties and forties conceive successfully.” . I understand that you want to give yourself the greatest chance regarding fertility, but would you rather rush and be bonded for life with a wrong son of man or hope for the best of God? I hope you prefer the latter. Getting into a relationship can’t be good.

Fill a void. Do you really want a relationship or are you just bored? You are alone? Sometimes we enter into relationships to fill a void. We are looking for a person to fill a void in our lives that can only be filled with our own self-love. You need to get back to some activities that you like. Go back to your goals and dreams. What are your passions? What encourages you? You want a relationship to fill something internal. Seek external validation to feel worthy; If you get into a relationship, it shows that you are still wanted. Well, if you start a relationship looking for someone to show you what you are worth, don’t be surprised if it doesn’t work out. Only you should determine your worth. Work on yourself. Invest in yourself. Give yourself back. In other words, take some time for yourself. In this way you will fill yourself up and you will not need to seek a relationship to fill a void in your life.

You are not ready. Are you really ready for a relationship? Are you really ready to do the work it takes to build a solid foundation from scratch or are you just in love with the idea of ​​being in a relationship? Many of us are simply not ready for love. We think we are because we watch romantic movies or read romance novels. Unless you are willing to take your time and really meet someone below the surface, you are not ready. You are not prepared to make someone else a priority. You really are not in a space to give it to someone else. Love comes to give. You have to keep the other person in mind when it comes to certain things. You cannot behave or have a unique mindset if you are going to have a relationship. You have to start preparing for it. Really think about whether you are really ready to fully commit to someone else or honestly, are you just on the whole idea? Give up the fairy tale. It is not reality

I believe in love. I believe that people can manifest true love. I believe that we can all have the love that we want and deserve, but we should not settle. We also need to do the inner work within ourselves. Let’s make it clear where we are in life. A relationship (or marriage) won’t magically make everything better. Do the inner work and be honest with yourself about your intention to be in a relationship. Don’t rush into a relationship just for the sake of having one. You deserve so much more. You are a queen. Love yourself enough to hope for the best.
