Holistic yeast infection treatment

Yeast infection is a fungal infection caused by fungi of the Candida species. The infection is known as yeast infection and various types of treatments are used to cure the disease. Holistic treatments for yeast infections include the use of herbal therapies, home remedies, homeopathic methods, and other therapies that provide relief. Herbal therapy involves the use of various herbs, such as aloe vera, which can be applied topically or taken internally. Branberry can fight infections and bring relief. Herbs such as calendula, marshmallow roots, yarrow, and goldenseal can be used to make tea or douche. They are known to fight fungal infections.

The sitz bath is another therapy that is recommended in the holistic treatment of candidiasis. This is helpful in relieving itchiness. 3 tablespoons of vinegar or yogurt can be added to a liter of warm water. A woman can sit in this water 2 times a day, until the symptoms are resolved. This is considered an effective holistic treatment. Additionally, other herbal products such as chamomile, cinnamon, and dandelion can be used to treat yeast infections. The antifungal properties of echinacea make it very useful in treating the infection. The natural antibacterial and antifungal properties of pau d’arco, lapacho or taheebo are very effective in curing the infection. It can be used in tea or in capsules. Clove tea can also be tried as a holistic treatment method.

Maitake tea can be prepared as a normal tea and is beneficial for the holistic treatment of yeast infections. Certain dietary modifications are also very helpful in getting rid of yeast. They produce changes in the body and do not allow Candida albicans to grow. Over time, they die and the infection heals as the pH level changes and the fungi don’t have enough food to survive. Holistic treatment recommends changes in the diet that include the intake of natural or homemade yogurt, acidophilus supplements, fresh garlic or garlic capsules. Garlic suppositories can also be used. Boric acid can also be used in holistic treatment as it is effective in killing fungus. Herbal showers can be made with equal parts mugwort, comfrey root, yarrow, rosemary, mint, and alum. This is particularly useful in treating infection.

Holistic treatment for candidiasis also involves the use of certain homeopathic medicines. Borax, Calcarea carbonica, Kali bichromicum, and Kreosotum are some of the medications that can be used. However, its use and dosage depends on the type and severity of the infection. All medications are not suitable for everyone and depending on the symptoms presented, they are prescribed. Holistic treatment also involves certain methods that prevent the recurrence of the infection. This includes wearing clean cotton clothing washed with fragrance-free detergents, avoiding contact with perfumes, deodorants, chlorinated water, mothballs, and other potentially irritating agents. To prevent oral thrush, toothbrushes should be changed at least once a month.